How much are oustalet chameleons worth??


New Member
Hiya all I am thinking of selling my breeding pair of Oustalet chameleons but I dunno how much they are worth?? The problem being that they are extremely rare chameleons to get hold off!!!! So could someone please price them for me????
Prices vary from country to country. Cost is based on supply and demand.

Find a reputable seller, they will (more often than not) have the right prices.
Thats the problem I cannot find any sellers here in the UK!!!! So I dunno where to start!!! Ive tried every pet shop online and none of them have Oustalets, they have panthers and yemens but no oustalets!!!!:eek::eek::eek:
They are not all that rare, and there is not that big a demand for them. I happen to love them but could never get my pair to breed, they are just laid back and happy to hang out. Here they are usually $100.00-ish.
Chances are they will be expensive if they are not common, however I don't know! I'm not in the UK. :p
Well I have never seen any sold in any shops in the UK but I understand they aint that desirable because of the plain coloring of them but they are really nice to have!!!
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