how long and often do pardalis mate?


New Member

I just bought a new female Ankaramy yesterday, put her in with Johnny, My Ankaramy and within seconds he responded, she went an amazing receptive clour and the fun began. It took him a while to finally pin her and position himself but they managed to copulate succesfully. Anyway, im wondering, is it normal for them to mate for over 2 hours which is what happened? also, they are mating again today as i put her back in because she was still showing receptive colouring. how often do they mate before she realises shes gravid?

One last question, She seems to have bubbles coming out of her mouth and raises her head suggesting a URI. Theres no popping or wheezing when she breathes but she puffs her throat up a lot. Is it safe to treat a potentially gravid female with baytril? If she doesnt have a URI would the baytril have any negative affects if i was to treat her with it anyway? I ask only because ive treated Chameleons with Baytril before and have a small container left, enough for a few weeks treatment if needed.

I just bought a new female Ankaramy yesterday, put her in with Johnny, My Ankaramy and within seconds he responded, she went an amazing receptive clour and the fun began. It took him a while to finally pin her and position himself but they managed to copulate succesfully. Anyway, im wondering, is it normal for them to mate for over 2 hours which is what happened? also, they are mating again today as i put her back in because she was still showing receptive colouring. how often do they mate before she realises shes gravid?

One last question, She seems to have bubbles coming out of her mouth and raises her head suggesting a URI. Theres no popping or wheezing when she breathes but she puffs her throat up a lot. Is it safe to treat a potentially gravid female with baytril? If she doesnt have a URI would the baytril have any negative affects if i was to treat her with it anyway? I ask only because ive treated Chameleons with Baytril before and have a small container left, enough for a few weeks treatment if needed.

Well it sounds like you didnt wait too long with breeding her after you bought her.
You would of known the answers to your questions if you did research how to breed them...
The female will know when she has had enough, she will eventualy reject the male, show aggression, go very dark and maybe even try attack him.
You will need to make sure the temps are warm and that she gets enough food with a lot of calcium for the development of the eggs.

She will probably end up producing 3 clutches from the mating recently.

I worry that you might have picked the wrong time to breed her, the stress of medical treatment might make her uncomfortable to lay when the time comes, which could lead her to egg bind and die. And sorry I dont know much about the treatment of a URI, never had a chameleon get one.

Good luck with her.
I agree you didn't wait long enough. How old is your female? I hope she is older thank a year! Also you are putting your male in danger of getting sick. Your female could have some sort of disease and now your male has it.
There is no empirical evidence yet of the effects of Baytril in gravid or pregnant reptiles. However, if your female does have an infection of some kind occurring in the respiratory tract, it is crucial to treat at this juncture because of the immense amount of stress that she just underwent, since you just received her. I would making treating the potential respiratory illness a priority over breeding and the harm that treating her for the infection may have on her offspring, because if she dies of URI, then there will be no offspring anyway. I would go see a vet because then they can prescribe and antibiotic that they may feel is safer to use in a chameleon in your situation. Good luck.
OK thanks guys, I agree that meybe i should have waited but it wasnt evident when i picked her up, she looked in good health. Ive been administering Baytril as the replies were taking too long and i didnt want it to go too long before treatment. Im aware that URI is contagious hence im treating my male too as a precation. She is a big 18 month old so shouldnt be any problems. Ive dealt with a URI in the past with great success so im not worried. I was more concerned for the egg development. Also i might add that im a big breeder of Ambilobe, Ankaramy and Soon Masoala, Ive just never known how long and often they breed as ive never really taken any notice. I normally put the female in there for a few days and watch for the gravid colouration then i know Shes gravid. Sorry to have sounded like a noob, I was just curiouse to know if 3 days and copulation 2/3 times a day was normal as ive never seen this. I guess Johnny thinks shes hot!!!:D
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