How do you secure vines or branches to screen


Was wondering how people are securing there vines,branches or sticks to screen cages my cage was made with like screen mesh so wondering on how to secure them to sides. Thanks
I used some 28 gauge wire from Lowe's in the picture hanging wire section, pretty cheap and easy to cut incase you need to make adjustments and fits through the screen really easily
Its not to much weight for mesh screen can I get some pics dont mean to sound dumb but figure it would rip mesh screen. Thanks
The wire I use is pretty light, I haven't had any issues with it tearing the screen. I'll post some pics but have to do them in separate post, sorry


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If you decide to use the wire just make sure there aren't any sharp pieces in the cage that your Cham could cut itself on


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As you can see in this last picture a lil more obviously, I finally she the wire on the outside of the cage


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