how can i tell how old my chameleon is?


New Member
i just bought a female veiled chameleon today. i know she is young, but i would like to know how young. she is only about2 to 2 and a half inches long. how could i tell?
Is that snout to vent? Or snout to tail tip?

EDIT: If she's two inches long snout to tail tip, she's really young and probably shouldn't have been sold to you. If its snout to vent, she probably round 2-3 months.
pictures are helpfull too..however depending on the care she got also. ive seen 4 month old veilds that are tripple the size of my 3 month olds..mine have doubled almost tripled in size in the 3 weeks ive had them
i just took messurements of her from to the tip of her tell she is four and a half inches sorry. so would you say about two to three months old. they had her in a little tiny container when i got her. does that stop there growth. i now have her in a ten gallon tank. is that big enough?
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2-3 months old could be right-but she could be older if the care she had was poor. IF she is that young, a 10 gallon would suffice for the time being, however chameleons do not belong in tanks. Soon you will need an appropriate screen cage. In the 10 gallon-you need to be extra careful not to bake your chameleon. A digital thermometer in the hottest spot should not read higher than 80, and the other side of the tank should be in the low 70's. You need to mist enough to get her to drink, and water build up will be an issue. The tank should never have standing water, babies can drown, and stagnant water and heat is a recipe for respiratory infections. Please tell us what kind if lighting you are using.
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