He's all grown up


New Member
I thought I would start a tread on showing Yoshi's growth over the last 7 months. I received him from Farrah and Vincent of Screameleons as a 6 month old. His colors have really come and I really couldn't be happier with him. Feel free to add pics of your chameleons growth over the years! :D


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just some more adult pics


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He's awesome.... Mr Fabulous :D I LOVE his coloring! Who's the sire?

not really sure, the website only showed a sample sire. i think he might be related to Gaven

but now that i look at the screamelelons projects list he looks very similar to so kool


I got Ranger from Screameleons he is 11 months old now his daddy is SoKool:cool:
& Sky is 10 months old and is from Gavan:D

Your guy looks really good. nice blue bars.
not really sure, the website only showed a sample sire. i think he might be related to Gaven

but now that i look at the screamelelons projects list he looks very similar to so kool

I almost got a So Kool baby in October & they only had two males. So Kool's picture was there under the baby as sire & I asked to make doubly sure. They sold them both before they even posted they were available. I called them when it said available soon. I had a chance to get one of the two So Kool male babies but went with a different breeder instead. The choice was a VERY hard one... So Kool is awesome!!! I would love to see how So Kools babies are looking. Gaven is pretty awesome too :D You definitely got a fantastic cham that's for sure!
Congratulations Coffeeguy, looks awesome, but then I haven't seen a single cham of any species that didn't look awesome to me! :)
I love the final shot in the series, looks painted!
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