Hemipenals? 6 month old chameleon


New Member
Am not sure if Zeppelin is maturing faster than expected or if I should be concerned about prolapse... I think this was a hemipenal (pardon my spelling if its incorrect). They have retracted but want to be sure he is not infected or if I should take him to a vet.


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That is where it comes out at. If it goes back in, you are just fine. There have been many people on here that have been flashed by their male chams.
That is where it comes out at. If it goes back in, you are just fine. There have been many people on here that have been flashed by their male chams.

Thank you for your reply, it did retract. Should I be concerned with cleaning that area? Have been misting his vent to try and heal the area. Is this a good thing to do, is there something better?
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