Help with my first chameleon!

@elizaann2 said.…”Yemen chameleons tend to eat vegetation - mine does VERY often. This is ok, we believe they do this to help digest all the bugs they would eat in nature”…altjough this is one theRoy about why plant material is eaten, IMHO it doesn’t explain why Travis veiled females eat leaves to the point where they will strip plants bare of leaves but makes only tend to eat a few leaves.

@chapeudechuva …how long has your chameleon had the brownish splotches on her? Please try to be specific about the date they showed up.

You said…”Here in Portugal if I search for "sand to play" I only get children's stuff and colored children's sand hahahaha!”…I’m just giving you these links to show you what the sand should look like…
Your female looks like she has a lot more eggs than they would produce in the wild in her. I hope she can lay them.

In the last two or three months, how many insects have you been feeding her in a week? What insects? What size of insects?
What supplements have you been using and how often for each? I particularly want to know about the phos, calcium, D3 and prEformed vitamin A content of each.
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