help with my female veiled!!!


New Member
I have a female veiled that has recently been so very active.....always at the front of her thank and always moving....i think she needs a laying setup but my cage is only 19/19/ small can this container be???? please help with any suggestions you have....thank you so very much!!!
It needs to be at least bit enough for her to fit into when empty with several inches to spare on all sides of her including above and below her. Fill it about 3/4 full of moist washed playsand and make sure she knows its there and can get to it. The container should be opaque too. This will at least give her a place to dig to show you that she is ready to lay the eggs. She can be moved to a larger (trash-can or rubbermaid) container.
if shes ready to lay them will she do it right away or is this a long process???

how can i be certain that this is what she wants to do ...are there any real signs i should look out 4?
When getting near the time of laying a female veiled will roam the cage restlessly looking for a site, be thirstier than normal, may not eat as much, etc.

Once the female starts digging you should not let her see you watching her dig. She will likely abandon the hole and if it happens often enough then it could lead to eggbinding. However, a veiled chameleon may dig more than one test hole before deciding on one. Once she has chosen a hole she may dig in it more than once and for several days. Eventually she should turn around bum down and lay the eggs. The laying can take several hours but sometimes it can be shorter.

Let her fill the hole in and go back up into the branches before you dig them up. Even if they are going to be infertile, IMHO, I would dig them up. I would want to make sure she laid them and I would also like to know how many she laid if she were mine.
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