Help! Prolapse rectum

Long ago, my chameleon turned yellow, and it won't back to normal except for his tail and it was all floppy and couldn't move. A few hours ago my chameleon had this red stuff on his butt. I thought it was poop but then I got suspicious and I don't know what to do! All vets are pretty far and probably all of them are closed right now. What can I do to treat him?
Prolapse are serious. This is how I was trained to handle prolapse by my vet: Soak in cold water with as much sugar dissolved in the water as you can get. Soak 5 minutes and take out for 5 minutes and apply KY Jelly, then soak 5 more minutes and then take out and apply KY. Continue to do this until either it goes back in on it's own or with help from you or until you get them to the vet. If it's a male with hemipenis prolapse and he doesn't pull it back in on his own or with your help he will probably need it amputated. You can try to help him get it back in after you have soaked it for awhile and the vet will try to get it back in. If it's been out for awhile the chances of him, you or the vet getting it back in are slim and he'll probably need it amputated. They do just fine after the hemipenis amputation. For colon prolapse in males and for females it's much more serious.
When he turned pale in a previous post you said you were going to take him to the vet...did you??
What was wrong with his leg?
Why are you saying it's too late?
Did you keep the prolapse moist? Call a vet to see if they could take him on an emergency basis?
I called a bunch of vets but no answer. I took him to a vet which was pretty far and they said to keep the chameleon hydrated and watch his bowel movements. His leg turned out fine but his tail still floppy
Fix a bowl of cold water with allot of sugar in it. Soak your chameleons bum for 5 minutes and then take him out and give him a break from the cold water and them put his bum back in for 5 more minutes. You need to get the KY ASAP.
Do not use jelly is the best option.
Did you call any vets now?? If this doesn't go back in quickly it needs to see a vet ASAP...this is a medical emergency.
You can try soaking it with a sugar water solution.
I live in Richmond hill Canada. Also do I have to take him out every 5 minutes or it's optional. I'm going out to try to get ky jelly but a bunch of stores are closed. He's sleeping so he's going to get stressed out if I take him out every 5 minutes
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