Help Please, Extremely Swollen Jackson's Eye (after vet visit)


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Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Bam Bam Kam. Male Jackson's Chameleon. He's just about a year old. I've had him since February 6, 2016.
  • Handling - Normally about once a week or when moving him from his cage to his climbing wall. He's gotten fairly used to us, especially with being sick right now.
  • Feeding - Mostly crickets. Silkworms when we can get them but it's been a month since the last time we were able to get them. We mostly let him eat what he wants.Somewhere between 3-7 crickets, usually he'll eat about 4 in front of us. We have a feeder cup he can eat out of whenever he wants. Since he's been a baby he's been eating a lot. We also hand feed him sometimes, and honestly, I think he has us trained now. We dust out crickets with Repticalclium w/o D3 a few times a week and then do the Reptivite w/ D3 about 1-2 times a month. Our crickets are gut loaded with Fluker's Cricket Quencher and Orange Cubes at the moment. At first I was making small home made meals of fresh fruits and veggies for the crickets, but life got busy, so we've been using Fluker's more frequently.
  • Supplements - As I said above Repti-calcium w/o D3 a few times a week and Reptivite w/ D3 1-2 times per month. After reading some of the forums on here, we also just bought vitamin a eye drops and repti-cricket which has vitamin a on the dehydrated crickets as well. We haven't used the repti-crickets yet (i'm not even sure if he'll like them), but we did use the eye drops yesterday.
  • Watering - I had bought a fake plant that recycled water continuously using a pump for him to be able to drink from, but he never used it. So we used the pump and the hose from the system, bought a fogger/mister nozzle at home depot, and now he has a tub of water on top of his cage that when full will continuously drip or mist depending on the setting into his cage. We usually leave it on during the day in the drip mode to water the ficus and so he has drinking water. I usually mist his cage in the morning before leaving for the day to get the humidity level up. We live in Hawaii, so it's not hard to do.
  • Fecal Description - His poop looks pretty regular to me. He actually just pooped today (a big one) and it was brown with the white and then the orange/yellow stuff.
  • History -

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Screen cage that is 3 feet tall and probably 1.5-2 ft wide.
  • Lighting - I have a 50w ZooMed Basking lamp in the back corner and across the front/middle I have a UVB light. I am not sure what brand but it says 15w and tropical 25 on the tube bulb. We have the lights on a timer. So he basically gets 12 hours of light and 12 hours of dark.
  • Temperature - His cage is usually around 80-84 degrees. We have a thermometer set up. I think it's just slightly hotter under the basking lamp, prob about 84-87. Since we live in Hawaii the overnight temp is usually between 60-75 depending. We live up a mountain now, so it's a little bit cooler at night, but I figure since he's a Jackson and they like montane environments he's ok with slightly damper/cooler climates.
  • Humidity - It's Hawaii. It's humid as.... you know what I mean. Lately it's been extremely humid as it's summer, so I haven't really been worrying much about the humidity levels.
  • Plants - He has a ficus in there as well as 2 fake plants for camouflage.
  • Placement - In our living room kind of in front of the window. If we're up late we have been putting a towel over his cage so we don't keep him up. The cage does get the breeze coming in through the window now and again. The cage is on top of a small table about 1.5-2 ft off the floor.
  • Location - Honolulu, Hawai'i!

Current Problem - Bam Bam got a cut on the left corner of his mouth over the weekend. We noticed it on Sunday. We think a cricket barb may have cut him. We try to take the barbs off, but don't all the time. It had a bit of crusted blood on it. We cleaned it and it seemed to be fine. Then on Monday, it looked inflamed and infected and his eye looked puffy. We took him to the vet. They said he had an abscess in/on his eye and prescribed him Baytril 2.27% and instructed us to give him .05mL 2 times per day 12 hours apart. It's Wednesday now and his eye looks MUCH worse. As soon as we left the vet it seemed like his eye started swelling up and the swelling has not gone down. Yesterday we gave him a couple drops of vitamin A eye drops on the bad eye hoping it could help, but the eye looks either the same or worse. He will not open the swollen eye at all anymore. His cheek behind his left eye also looks swollen. I am worried he is going to lose his eyesight if the swelling does not go down. His eye literally looks at least 3 times bigger than the non-swollen one. I am extremely worried about him. We have a follow-up appointment with the vet on Monday, but I'm worried he can't wait that long. I called the vet's office today, but our doctor was off today, so I'll have to call again tomorrow. I was just hoping/wondering if anyone had any advice on what to do? Is this normal during the healing process? The vet said it would take 3-4 days before the antibiotics really did anything, so I think we've got another day at least to wait and see, but I am worried waiting is going to make things worse. Should we rush him to a vet? Please help!

The first image was taken on the way to the vet. He wasn't opening his eye until we were in the moving car and he got freaked out, but at the time I figured that was a good sign.

The other two images are from today (2 days after vet visit). His eye looks HUGE like it could burst/rupture at any moment. He either will not or cannot open his left eye now. The vet didn't mention anything about puss or build-up, so I'm not sure what's causing the eye to bulge so much.

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That eye doesn't look good... Sorry I can't help you with that...
I'd say a vet visit is required asap.

Your ambient temperature looks to high to me, this should more be like 70F...
A basking temperature of 84F. This is more or less how I keep mine and even then he needs to cool himself down sometimes.

Got him into a vet appt today. They drained at least half the fluid/puss that was in his eye and are doing a culture on it. They also gave us more antibiotic, eye drops, and an anti-inflammatory for him. He looks much better than he did and he is eating. So very relieved. Hopefully we'll know more once we get the culture back.
Chameleons have a problem draining puss unless it is manually removed because antibiotics cannot penetrate it, because if it is truly puss it becomes hard and like avian puss, almost a cheesy consistency. He may need to get it drained again, just be ready of he does. If his eye is moving normally and opening, then I would give him a nice long shower at least once a day. 20-30 minutes long. Hopefully it will help him flush out the rest of the irritation or whatever is causing him to react.
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