Help!new chameleon owner


New Member
Hy , i bought 2 days ago from a breeder a 5 months old veiled chameleon,and i ordered a terarium and uvb lamp from the internet but they gonna arrive in another 4-5 days i think , until then he's staing in a cage wich is heated with a regular lamp , humidity is ok and the coldest corner has 26° long can he do it without uvb ?(he is on the left side of the pic) please help


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Weloome to the fourm. Your cham should have no problems without the UVB for the next few days. As long as you are providing mistings and he has a nice basking site, ( which a reg bulb is perfect ) he will be just fine. :)
Weloome to the fourm. Your cham should have no problems without the UVB for the next few days. As long as you are providing mistings and he has a nice basking site, ( which a reg bulb is perfect ) he will be just fine. :)
Thanks for the quick answer . I wrote this message because today i've seen that the head of the cham was grey and i didn't know if the cause is the missing uv lamp or just some shedding starting from the head.
The pic looks a little wierd, but just make sure you offer him lots of water and a safe place he can feel secure.
thank you guys for all the reply's , today i've watched it again and it looks all normal again like it was in the first pic that i put on the forum , i think the problem was that he didn't sleep at all for 2 days in a raw because i didn't know that i have to turn off the light during the night but last night i did it and now it looks diffrent.:D
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