HELP.. Chameleon cant close his eye


New Member
Hello everyone

Max is having issues with his right eye.... He finished shedding 2 days ago and since then, Ive noticed that he cant close his right eye. if you look at his eyelid right around the eye... its stuck.. it looks like a wrinkle that does not want to come undone or separate.. i tried misting him today but it still has not come undone.

what do you guys think i should do?

Try an ointment like terramycin. Do you have that? You can get it online if you need some. Usually this would be used to treat an eye infection but it does have a moisterizing effect to it and may be the trick. Otherwise I would try to put him in the shower and create a more humid atmosphere.
I will give it a shot 2morow when he is up ... that or maybe a Q-tip will work

A daily rinse with some sterile saline (without preservatives) might help flush it. Contact lens saline can be squirted at the eye and would be safer than paper towel or even a Q tip.
when your cham eats, does it's eyes close? because it might just be irritating rather than stuck, when they catch crickets, there eyes should go back/close when they draw there tongue back, watch for it and see if there is a problem there or not.

when it's asleep do you notice anything with that eye?

my cham has eye problems because of it's old age (or so i was told)


i wouldn't use q-tips, they might be too hard or you might press too hard on the eye and cause discomfort or damage. Try using Cotton wool pads (like the ones for makeup removal) and soak it slightly and use it to gentily roll or dab on the eye.
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