

New Member
i was just wondering what kind of reptiles i could get in hawaii that would be cool to keep any suggestions ? thank you
i own a make jackson :D but what really happen is in 1978 a pet store caught on fire the guy trying to save all his pet let the jacksons go when he got outside so they didnt die in the fire. we have parrots, pirahans, snakes, big as$ spiders and non native fish due to stupid dumb people releasing them yes i said stupid dumb
The gold dust day geckos are wonderful pets in Hawaii too! I've got two that I've raised since babies living in my kitchen. I feed them bananas & phoenix worms and they eat any other insects that come inside. Besides that your options are quite limited, oh yeah also tortoises are ok.
I have just caught them with my hands. I'm not sure which Island you're on, but some places, like Kona, are just crawling with them.
i own a make jackson :D but what really happen is in 1978 a pet store caught on fire the guy trying to save all his pet let the jacksons go when he got outside so they didnt die in the fire. we have parrots, pirahans, snakes, big as$ spiders and non native fish due to stupid dumb people releasing them yes i said stupid dumb
The Jackson's chameleon got here in 1972 in the pet trade. After the long journey from Tanzania the chameleons were extremely dehydrated and the pet shop owner released the 32 of them into his backyard to re-hydrate. Since then they have spread to the mountains of most of the Hawaiian Islands (via humans moving them around). We don't have any snakes in Hawaii besides the Brahminy Blind Snake which is more of a worm. There is a huge effort to keep snakes out of Hawaii or we could end up like Guam, overrun by the brown tree snake. And by big ass spiders all we have are the cane spiders, no tarantulas on the islands either.
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