Has anyone ever been bitten by there cham!!!


New Member
I ask this honestly because i want to hear how bad it hurts so just in case it happens ill be prepared to deal with it...thanks :D
I've been bit once. But it wasn't done purposely. I was holding a worm and Detox struck my finger i didn't want to hold his tongue there so it just went in his mouth. He took two chomps of me and stopped. It doesn't hurt, in my opinion. But he was only about 8 months at the time.
well my 4 month old female is scared of everything you can think of and when i try to handle her to clean her cage she jumps off branches to get away and stuff but when i get her she tends to bite. Dosnt really hurt its sorta like a close pic on your thumb with little ridges. My 6 month old panther on the other hand bit me while i was helpin gmy vet. the vet was inserting a tool into his vent while i feld him with one hand and he held with the other and he gave me a pretty hard crunch. Left little indents in my skin but didnt break it. Other than something going into his but he has never bitten me ever. Hes such a chilled chameleon :)
No, not a cham, not yet. Enoc, my AFT nailed me good one time and the Dude (BTS) gave me a a minor heads up nip once. Gotta say the gecko was the nastiest but I still have him, still love him.
Lots of times! Sometimes I let them bite me on purpose just to get it out of their system and sometimes it is inevitable. Just make sure you don't jerk away (even though it's a natural reaction) because it will end up hurting your cham more than it hurts you.
Ive never been bitten by pedro.
He just kinda smacks me with his head LOL!
he doesnt even hiss he just smacks me with, like to puch me away when hes grumpy.
I have the FRIENDLIEST panther male in the world but once when i was feeding him a worm a couple weeks ago (he was 14 months old) he wanted it so bad he shot at it from about a foot and a half away and grabbed it with his tongue along with my finger. When taking the worm in his mouth he bit down on it along with accidentally getting my fingernail. Luckily my fingernail protected me but it still felt like a SUPER HARD pinch. After 5 min, i couldn't feel anything but i knew that if it wasn't for my nail, it would've easily torn through my finger. But i also had the same thing happen to me with my other panther about 4 months ago when he was 4 and half months old panther male that accidentally bit me in the same scenerio also.It felt like someone poking me. I trained him however because he used to be aggressive (hence my username) and he is very friendly now. When he was aggresive he would never bite, just gape. Sometimes they gape and headbut but they don't bite that often. Mine have never purposly bit me. My vieled was the only one of mine that ever headbutted at me but she stopped after a while.
I've been lucky with marley, he's never tried to bite me or hissed at me. He's opened his mouth at me a few times when I've taken him away from things he wants to be on lol so let's hope it stays that way!
Knock on wood I have been hissed at but never bitten. I take that back actually, I have been bitten by a younger juvie cham but it was a pinch. I'd hate to get bit after seeing the post Tiff linked to. I don't remember that it may have been before my time but that was one horrible bite! Ouch, I get chills just thinking about it!
ya me either but i dnt think that, that pic is actually real having a hard time thinking a cham can do that cuz look in her palm the blood looks real thick and whats in the red bottle in the pic??? doesnt it make ya wonder
Ive still not quite managed that, 19 months and counting, but then I dont bother my lizard if he's seems so inclined. Given the jaw structure Id imagine it could hurt but unless you or it turned/pulled away, it wouldn't do you serious damage beyond slight laceration of the skin.

The chameleon on the other hand has much more to risk, damaged jaw, infection if the lining of the mouth is punctured etc. For this reason I do the utmost to insure it dosen't happen.

Generally speaking your chameleon will only bite what it intends to eat or in defence, when its in defence, the lizard gives you plenty of fair warning anyway, e.g. flatten its body toward you, extending the gular (throat) area, coloring up (seen in so many photos) and even audibly hissing, making a bite normally easy to avoid.

Cheers :)
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