Happy Dragons

Yeah, I saw that on Frank Payne's Instagram page (@livingartbyfrankpayne) yesterday, looks to be really encouraging! Hopefully, this will push reptile breeders to adopt higher standards of care to be marketed alongside the best of the best. Most buyers will want to get animals from the top breeders--because who wouldn't? We all want a super healthy animal; and if the breeder is vetted for you--well, all the better! Since buyers will be hovering around these top-notch breeders first, and your name will have a good reputation, breeders will be incentivized to breed ethically and raise animals in excellent conditions.

Instead of incentivizing low costs and OH, it's the good husbandry and care that is incentivized.

Plus, they will have resources for the most up-to-date info on how to care for the animals sold on the website.

I think it's a great idea!
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