Gutloading and Calcium question


New Member
What is the best homemade gutload that requires 5-10 ingredients? Also, what is the best brand of straight up calcium powder? Thanks!

Then add your base of carbs from bran/oats/barley/alfalfa etc. I think my last batch i just used some of bobs hot 5 grain cereal with little to no sugar added.

For calcuim the top 2 are sticky tongue farms mineral-all and Rep-Cal (either d3 or no d3). Both are excellent for powdering, dont have extra vitamins, and taste good to the reptiles and feeders.

sticky tongue smells good too

I dont know why I just admitted to smelling my calcium powder
Thanks for the responses! Im hoping to get a good gut load going soon since I just got my first panther chameleon today. That gutload recipe looks really good! does it work for every feeder or mainly roaches?
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