Growth issues?


New Member
hey i have a male veiled, and have had him since christmas. and has not grown at all, by now he is about 8months old and should be pretty large.

I have all the necessary vitamins and calciums they need. and still doesnt seem to grow?

his cage is 16x16x16 mesh screen cage.

comparing him to my female, she was put through worse conditions and has actually grown a whole lot and shes so much bigger and has way more girth than he does.
Welcome to the Chameleon Forums. I keep veileds and they are such a pleasure to work with. Sorry to hear that you guy is not growing. Have you had a fecal lately to see if he has parasites? What all do you feed him and how often? How much did he weigh when you got him and how much does he weigh now? A 16x16x16 cage is WAY to small for an 8 month old. What size cage is your female in? I have a blog for new keepers I'm attaching below. Once you answer my question I might be able to offer more advise.

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Welcome to the Chameleon Forums. I keep veileds and they are such a pleasure to work with. Sorry to hear that you guy is not growing. Have you had a fecal lately to see if he has parasites? What all do you feed him and how often? How much did he weigh when you got him and how much does he weigh now? A 16x16x16 cage is WAY to small for an 8 month old. What size cage is your female in? I have a blog for new keepers I'm attaching below. Once you answer my question I might be able to offer more advise.

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Yea I know that's a small cage for an 8 month old but what does it matter if he's still the same size as a 3-4month old? He eats about 20+ crickets daily and dusted and gets his d3. He was over supplemented at one point because of lack of knowledge. And the female is in the same size cage and I'm looking to get bigger cages for the both of them. I would need to put them both on a scale
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