Growth Charts?


Does anyone use growth charts? With date, weight, length, any spots for notes on anything noticed etc. If you do I would be interested in seeing examples, either blank or filled out. I am just trying to set some up myself and looking for ideas.

I drew up a feeding chart on Word. I've got a week's worth on each page (one chart for each day). I've included how many and what food items, tick box for misting and supplements, total amount eaten. Also there's a column for poop/urates and a space for notes at the bottom of each day. I don't weigh her at the moment though.

I make a note of how urate/poop looks, and also if she's restless, etc. She gets rather restless and roams a lot when she's receptive. It started out as basic notes on paper then I produced the charts to fill in each day. It's been very handy to refer back to when replying to posts on here. Info such as the longest time not eating and the longest time without pooping, etc. Hope this helps.
I have an excel spreadsheet where I track all my chams, breeding, weights, etc..... Give me an email in PM and I will send it to you.
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