Green enough?


New Member
just thought id share some photos of my little guys setup






He thinks hes so tough :p
Niiice. You probably shouldn't have the waterfall though. I like how they look too but people on here convinced me that they just grow bacteria which is true. If you really want it in there just make sure you clean it at least every other day.
The enclosure: What is it? Terrarium? Aquarium? Can I see a further back pic?

The substrate: I wont comment on it until I know more about the enclosure.

The waterfall: This serves no purpose, other than looking "nice".
The chams home is HIS home, its not necessarily supposed to look nice.
It increases bacteria and parasites in the cage, no matter how often its cleaned. Should be taken out IMO.

The furniture: He needs more to climb on IMO. Theres really not much for climbing/moving around.

The red is what he has to climb on, the blue is what I recomend giving him to climb on.
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im well aware of the waterfall issue and i do clean it every other day while spot cleaning. but if everyone's going to tell me to get rid of it then i guess that's how it shall be. ill just replace it with more live plants and vines. i have the fogger as well so creates droplets on leaves on top of misting. As for the terrarium, its just temperary. its a 55 gallon aquarium i cut off with a fit peice of glass. iv got an extra large reptibreeze but i wanted to wait to put him in it untill at least 5 months. and ya i like my setups natural looking and i was thinking about planting the live plants in the substrate but once again if you guys really suggest to remove it then i guess ill do that as well.

REMEMBER! im not new to chameleons, i just wanted this setup to look as natural as possible. AND like i said its a temp setup for a couple of months.
im well aware of the waterfall issue and i do clean it every other day while spot cleaning. but if everyone's going to tell me to get rid of it then i guess that's how it shall be. ill just replace it with more live plants and vines. i have the fogger as well so creates droplets on leaves on top of misting. As for the terrarium, its just temperary. its a 55 gallon aquarium i cut off with a fit peice of glass. iv got an extra large reptibreeze but i wanted to wait to put him in it untill at least 5 months. and ya i like my setups natural looking and i was thinking about planting the live plants in the substrate but once again if you guys really suggest to remove it then i guess ill do that as well.

REMEMBER! im not new to chameleons, i just wanted this setup to look as natural as possible. AND like i said its a temp setup for a couple of months.

First off, please dont think Im "ordering" you to do anything, or "looking down" on your husbandry.
Do research, and do what YOU think works. We are all "learning" here.
I put my guy in a 3x3x5 at 3months, and free-ranged at 4 months.
I can tell you Im 100% sure hed be healthier and happier if you put him in the reptibreeze. I would do that tomarrow;)
First off, please dont think Im "ordering" you to do anything, or "looking down" on your husbandry.
Do research, and do what YOU think works. We are all "learning" here.
I put my guy in a 3x3x5 at 3months, and free-ranged at 4 months.
I can tell you Im 100% sure hed be healthier and happier if you put him in the reptibreeze. I would do that tomarrow;)

its all good man. everyones got their own opinion. like you said everyones learning and im just going from what i learned like 2 years ago (not to put babies in too large of an enclosure)
Yeah, I would recommend against the waterfall and substrate. That particular substrate can be extra dangerous because it's bark-y. Otherwise it looks nice. Maybe another live plant or two for munching on. :)
People say that so that you can make sure they are eating right.
I hand feed, there are some that dont agree that thats best, but it works for me. I just feel like I came off the wrong way up there. I really have the best intentions, and want to help.
I really recomend getting him out of the aquarium though.
If you want to keep it lookin natural while still having more pathways for him... you could shove a pothos with some nice long trailers in there and hook 'em on the vine and the other plants and maybe take a piece of wire to hook it onto the wall (or nail it on... but not too tight or you'll kill the trailer!)... that way your guy gets some crazy pathways, and you get the natural look you love ^^
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