gravid Jackson's cham


New Member
I'm just wondering if there is any way to tell if my female meru Jackson's is gravid or not. When I bought about 4 weeks ago, she was housed with a male. She is supposedly 9months old and seems to have gained weight. Do they show certain colour changes like gravid Panthers? And if she is gravid, is there any way that I might be able to determine approx. how far along she is? I just want to make sure that I am doing anything that I need to for her if she is...
Long post, I know, but Thanks!:)
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They get big, there colors can change, Mine used to be a red phase and now shes green and light blue. You cant really tell exactly how long they are along, just because they have live babies, so they develop when they can it can take awhile. Its not like eggs, where they will hatch within a certain amount of time.
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