Furcifer cephalolepis..


Chameleon Queen
Does anyone know what happened to these little chameleons?
They seemed to be available for a couple of shipments and then disappeared and nobody even mentions them anymore.
They were cute little chameleons...the babies were so small...but seemed to hatch easily.
I have to find my chameleon photos soon....they're stored away and I haven't been able to find where I put them. :(
Furcifer cephalolepis were exported for a limited period of time (2000-2003). Then the Comoros Island nation decided to stop exporting the species as an export. I have seen litureature saying the species was exported to the USA and other countries after 2003. However my recollection is the Comoros stopped exporting the species in 2003. This is a some literature about the matter.


Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
2000 to 2003 is likely the time I had them...could only get a pair and the female produced eggs and they hatched. After they were gone, I couldn't get them again. I didn't breed the babies because they were all related.

Thanks for the link!
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