Fruit flies?

Wow u have fruits flies lol I’m kidding I just can’t even keep a hibiscus tree from dying let alone have flies from it
I'm betting those are fungus gnats not fruit flies. There are nematodes you can buy and water into the soil that will kill them. Letting the soil dry will help a bit.
If they are fruit flies, a dish of apple cider vinegar with a drop or two of dish soap will attract the flies and drown them. I would not put it in the cham enclosure unless you can verify it is safe. Not sure if the vinegar in the air could bother its eyes.
This may sound stupid but, can you take a pic of the flies you're seeing?
there really small
How big is that rock? Looks like it could be a small black soldier fly or as mentioned earlier, fungus gnat.
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Then they are probably fungus gnats. Are your plants potted or do you have a bioactive substrate?
Nevermind lol, for some reason the email didn't show the pots very well for me. I see them now that I'm in the website :(.

There's a couple options since you have pots. You can mix 1 part 3% hydrogen peroxide to 4 parts water and dump it into the pots, outside of the cage of course. A sundew is an option as well but will only really help control the adult flies. What would probably be best is doing both to kill the larvae and the adults.
I've seen people say both in and out is fine but out being preferred though. One thing to keep in mind is the flies can lay larvae in the sundew as well. So if you get one, I'd do the peroxide treatment on the plants you have when it arrives to kill any larvae in them too.
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