Fred - Kinyongia boehmei


Avid Member
Fred the Kinyongia boehmei, I've had him for a couple months. Settling in wonderfully. This picture is about 3.5 weeks old :) I'll share more later since he has a thread now :) he's in a 2x2x4 he is 7months old in this photo, captive bred.

Oh my goodness!!!! I’m a tad jelly right now… He is so adorable. One of my favorite species I’ll never own lol. Congrats on him. Can’t wait to watch him grow. 🥰
Your male Kinyongia boehmei "Fred" is looking great! Are you thinking about purchasing a famle Kinyongia boehmei female.

A couple Chameleon Forum keepers breeding Kinyongia boehmei is a spectacular idea.

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
Your male Kinyongia boehmei "Fred" is looking great! Are you thinking about purchasing a famle Kinyongia boehmei female.

A couple Chameleon Forum keepers breeding Kinyongia boehmei is a spectacular idea.

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
Fred is actually a clutch mate to the female I’ll be purchasing. I hope she throws nice males like Fred, he’s turning out spectacular.

Yeah Nate, we can revive Kinyongia Chameleon Keepers! (Blast from the past that a few peeps like Jeremy will remember!) would be nice to have someone to bounce animals around with for sure!
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