Formal study on Jackson's horn growth?


New Member
Has anyone ever done a formal study on the factors regarding Jackson's horn growth? I'm getting back into breeding Jax and I was hoping to put together a formal study myself.

The first round I'd like to study either types of calcium, or quantity.
Second round will be the other.
Third round will be genetics once I have 2 virgin females, one with a sire with straight horns, one with a sire with crooked horns.
And maybe even a study on different UVB bulbs, having the sun be the comparison.

I'd like to do these studies multiple times changing a single variable each time to rule anything out.

Has anyone ever done this before? Are there any other variables that I should consider besides the obvious (caging, nutrition, overall health, humidity, temps, etc.)?

I'm probably looking at a minimum of 5 years to come to any conclusions, but I'm super curious!
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