Food Preferences


Chameleon Enthusiast
I was looking at the facts at the bottom of the webiste, and it says "Chameleons do have taste buds on their tongue but overall they have a poor sense of taste." If that is the case, why are chameleons picky, for example mine loves superworms, and hates dubias. if they have poor taste, why are they picky?
Also, I was wondering how they got that fact. They can scientifically tell that they have a poor sense of taste, but how can they tell that they have a poor sense of taste? It's not like scientists can ask the chameleon if they have strong taste. Any thoughts?
I was looking at the facts at the bottom of the webiste, and it says "Chameleons do have taste buds on their tongue but overall they have a poor sense of taste." If that is the case, why are chameleons picky, for example mine loves superworms, and hates dubias. if they have poor taste, why are they picky?
Also, I was wondering how they got that fact. They can scientifically tell that they have a poor sense of taste, but how can they tell that they have a poor sense of taste? It's not like scientists can ask the chameleon if they have strong taste. Any thoughts?

I've wondered this too. Maybe the texture goes into it. Maybe fatty foods are more satisfying. Maybe juicy foods are more easily tasted.
I've wondered this too. Maybe the texture goes into it. Maybe fatty foods are more satisfying. Maybe juicy foods are more easily tasted.

I think this is it, Fatty meat is defiantly more satisfying to me. My wife cuts the fat off, doesnt like it, and I am like you realize we payed twice as much for that Rib Eye over the cheap steak because of the fat right... Fat in meat tastes better :), not just taste, but that melt in your mouth texture.
I think this is it, Fatty meat is defiantly more satisfying to me. My wife cuts the fat off, doesnt like it, and I am like you realize we payed twice as much for that Rib Eye over the cheap steak because of the fat right... Fat in meat tastes better :), not just taste, but that melt in your mouth texture.

Same thing here lol, we just got some rib eye. My wife cuts hers up into little pieces and removes all the fat. I eat everything like an animal. The fat tastes like gravy, I love it.
Same thing here lol, we just got some rib eye. My wife cuts hers up into little pieces and removes all the fat. I eat everything like an animal. The fat tastes like gravy, I love it.

Yep mine does the same, she cuts out all the fat, and then blackens the steak like its charcoal.

Minewhile, mine is bleeding :p.

Our Daughter, is fed the black stuff, but sometimes I give her some of mine. Not all the time, or give her her own large piece, as I am not sure how good Rare steak is for kids, but she will be a bloody meat cut lover, as an adult lol. I told her, she can have her steak fully medium rare, when she is like 10.

Takes longer to destroy the meat too, when we cook steak on the cast iron, my steak is done in 4 mins, my wife takes like 15 mins to cook theirs lol.
My guy loves fruit and I have put an assortment of different fruits in his feed cup and he will pick out the strawberry every time.
There must be some connection to taste or color?
Yep mine does the same, she cuts out all the fat, and then blackens the steak like its charcoal.

Minewhile, mine is bleeding :p.

Our Daughter, is fed the black stuff, but sometimes I give her some of mine. Not all the time, or give her her own large piece, as I am not sure how good Rare steak is for kids, but she will be a bloody meat cut lover, as an adult lol. I told her, she can have her steak fully medium rare, when she is like 10.

Takes longer to destroy the meat too, when we cook steak on the cast iron, my steak is done in 4 mins, my wife takes like 15 mins to cook theirs lol.

Hahaha similar situation here. My son eats pieces of steak fat and loves it, disgusts the wife. Luckily he likes vegetables too.
Yep mine does the same, she cuts out all the fat, and then blackens the steak like its charcoal.

Minewhile, mine is bleeding :p.

Our Daughter, is fed the black stuff, but sometimes I give her some of mine. Not all the time, or give her her own large piece, as I am not sure how good Rare steak is for kids, but she will be a bloody meat cut lover, as an adult lol. I told her, she can have her steak fully medium rare, when she is like 10.

Takes longer to destroy the meat too, when we cook steak on the cast iron, my steak is done in 4 mins, my wife takes like 15 mins to cook theirs lol.
did she end up getting her reticulated python? ?
Does anyone know where CF got that fact? Maybe we can find out through there how they got to that conclusion.
did she end up getting her reticulated python? ?

Nope, she is getting a beardie. My mom gave her a 90 gallon I think it is aquarium, I think it was 90. She said its 5ftx18"x24" something like that.

I told her I thought for sure it has to be 4ft, but she is sticking to 5ft, idk we will see when we pick it up lol.

I been trying to wait till her baby in June. But she caught wind I am buying some Satanic Leaf tails, and threw a fit. "Your buying 4, 500-600 dollar each geckos, and you won't buy me a 50 dollar beardie" it looks like birthday will have to come early this year lol this is what I get for letting her watch reptile YouTubers. She knows how much reptiles cost....

Other stuff too, she wants a "IPhone 11 Pro" for her birthday. I just broke my phone, and she said "Well I see you got a new Samsung S20+, thats a 1200 dollar phone, so you can surely buy me a IPhone 11 pro now!"

YouTube is destroying the children man I swear! My wife gets mad at me, when she asks what stuff costs and I tell her. I told her, like it matters if we don't tell her she will look it up herself and find out. Its not like when we were kids.
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