First vet visit


So I made appt just as a wellness checkup and initial health assesment. $117 is a small price for peace of mind, She passed w flying colors. No worms in poop, 53 grams, hydrated was climbing all over me nice bright green she was even okay w vet until he pulled dulap to look at mouth and she showed her black spots, but surprisngly didnt stress otherwise. I can now be happy knowing shes healthy. Vet just said bump basking up to 90° (i think its high, but hes a herp vet and a very good practice, been using them for years so ill bump it up and see how it goes) my husbandry is apparently good and vet didnt suggest changing anything too drastic. For all new owners within a week shes cost me close to if not exactly $900-1k...a vet visit wasnt really needed but happy I went

Signed a very happy cham owner
I'm glad to hear she checked out ok. I recommend keeping females in the 83 range for basking to keep the clutch size small.
I'm glad to hear she checked out ok. I recommend keeping females in the 83 range for basking to keep the clutch size small.

I too am of the thinking thats a better range, I have a 25w and a 75w heat bulb...have to grab a 50w to get that happy medium, two I have are two extremes of the magic number. Ive read a few posts that household incandescents work perfectly fine, can I pop one of those in? Sure save some money on "reptile" bulbs. Thanks Jann
Basking bulb

I have a 50 watt reflector at about 10" to 12" from the branch and a thermometer at my chams back level. It reads mostly about 87 to 95 degrees depending on ambient room temp. Usually below 84 degrees. In winter I have a ceramic heater to keep habitat temps up.
I prefer the reflector bulbs, but have used regular when they burned out before I could get a new one.
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