Finished screen cage (criticism wanted)

Nice cage! Looks really good. What did you use to keep the door closed? I'm building a new cage with a similar door and I'm trying to figure out how I can keep the door closed because it's the entire front of the cage.
Nice cage! Looks really good. What did you use to keep the door closed? I'm building a new cage with a similar door and I'm trying to figure out how I can keep the door closed because it's the entire front of the cage.

I used hook and eyes . I used one at the top side of door and bottom side of the door.If you are not sure what these are pm me and I will take pic and send it to you.Very cheap and super easy to do.
I wouldn't take a chance on any compact bulb. BTW Nice job on the cage!

I have a dual florescent hood. One slot has a 5.o retisun, the other a regular aquarium light and it works great. No added heat or CFL issues, and it does brighten things up as well as his color. Nice job on the set up.

I did a test on a home CFL with my UVB meter... It was reading UVB...... so who knows what else it puts out....

I would see if someone local has a UVB meter and check the lamp you plan to use... if you get UVB then watch your cham and make sure you aren't seeing any ill side effects. I am using one above my female veiled. So far no issues..... but we shall see.
That cage is awesome, what size is it? I think you are doing great. i buy lots of thermometer/ hygrometer combo at Walmart for about $18. Have them in all my cages. If you need semi-local help my sister is in springfield, mo and has kept and bred reptiles for about 30 years. (yes she & I are old:( ). I can give you her ph # if you PM me.:D Keep up the great job.

I have met Laurie and her sister Lee. They were in FL last month for the reptile show in Daytona. They are so knowledgeable about chameleons and feeders and everything reptile in general. Lee has over 50 reptiles and got her first chameleon 30 years age. If you are anywhere close to her, I would highly recommend you meet up with her. You can learn allot as I did.
Your cage looks great!!!!! Instead of a brighter bulb maybe you could move the cage to a brighter area in your house. They do love to be in front of a window. Most chameleons do not like the color red. Not sure about the red curtain you might want to replace with green or blue their favorite colors. Jann

Interesting. The only time my chameleon has ever properly hissed at me was when I tried to get him to eat a strawberry, which is bright red.

I regularly wear a red t shirt and have had him settle on me before while wearing them but it is possible he could be more relaxed while wearing other colours. The times he intentionally moved onto my arm when I opened the cage, I had been wearing green and blue t shirts.
Its hard to say on the chams liking certain colors but if jann says so I believe it cause shes been nothing but a huge help to me so far.Shes gots lotsa cham edumacation.
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