Female veiled laid first clutch of infertile eggs


New Member
Hi guys, last night my female veiled chameleon laid her first clutch of infertile eggs. I noticed her moving around her cage more than usual, so I put a laying bin in her enclosure and covered the sides with a large towel. Overall I think the process took about 24 hours. This morning I snuck a peek at her, and she was standing on top of the dirt. I assumed she laid her eggs and filled it in. I checked and found about 50 or so eggs in the laying bin:


I misted her a bunch to get a lot of the dirt off, but she didn't really drink anything (I've never seen her drink like my Panther does though). Also, I put some crickets and superworms dusted with calcium in her cage, and I don't think she's eaten anything yet. I don't have a scale, but I picked her up and she is MUCH lighter now. Aside from offering her food dusted with calcium, is there anything else I should do for her at this time?

Here she is after the fact: https://www.instagram.com/p/-_r9sLxpi-/?taken-by=yarvy
I guess I'm a little worried that she didn't finish, and that I may have interrupted her? I think that mainly because she's not eating anything, but she is also still really aggressive and tries to bite me if I approach her.
She is really tired just let her rest for the rest of the day she should come around. When she does make sure she gets lots of water, and make sure she gets her calcium supplements on her food she will need to build her strength back up. Good luck. :)
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