New Member
This is my lovely veiled chameleon. I purchased her from petsmart *sigh* back in March. She has been extremely active and healthy since I got her. She is very pleasant when it comes to interaction and is never temperamental. I don't get her out a lot and like to giver her space most of the time unless she quickly makes her way to me when I am misting and acts like she wants out.
Anyways, I have always fed her gutloaded crickets and never had any issues. I have noticed however that she isn't eating the crickets anymore. I had been buying the large crickets(and I do mean LARGE) but never had a problem with them until recently. It seems like here recently she isn't eating any at all. The only times I have gotten her to eat is by hand feeding her meal worms or sitting them on a leaf near her.
I don't know what the issue is. She used to eat at least 6-8, if not more, in a day. I moved here recently but it has been a few weeks. Other than that, nothing has really changed in her environment. She isn't gravid and isn't spending time in the substrate. She just stopped eating the crickets. Her poop has become less solid and more runny as well. Other than that I don't think she is really stressed but may be a little sick.(slightly more lethargic and closing her eyes a little more than usual) I gave her a shower for about 15 minutes the other day and I think she really enjoyed that. It really hydrated her skin and afterwards she slept for almost 12 hours straight!! I mist her at least 6-10 times a day depending on if im working or not and towards the top of her cage the temp is showing about 90 degrees. I haven't changed anything in normal routine. Humidity is around 70 (%?). (She has a water bowl for drinking with a bubbler as well)
Sorry for the long post, I am just worried about her!! Any ideas would be great. Also, does anyone know about how old she would be? (BTW, the third & fourth pic are the most recent)
Anyways, I have always fed her gutloaded crickets and never had any issues. I have noticed however that she isn't eating the crickets anymore. I had been buying the large crickets(and I do mean LARGE) but never had a problem with them until recently. It seems like here recently she isn't eating any at all. The only times I have gotten her to eat is by hand feeding her meal worms or sitting them on a leaf near her.
I don't know what the issue is. She used to eat at least 6-8, if not more, in a day. I moved here recently but it has been a few weeks. Other than that, nothing has really changed in her environment. She isn't gravid and isn't spending time in the substrate. She just stopped eating the crickets. Her poop has become less solid and more runny as well. Other than that I don't think she is really stressed but may be a little sick.(slightly more lethargic and closing her eyes a little more than usual) I gave her a shower for about 15 minutes the other day and I think she really enjoyed that. It really hydrated her skin and afterwards she slept for almost 12 hours straight!! I mist her at least 6-10 times a day depending on if im working or not and towards the top of her cage the temp is showing about 90 degrees. I haven't changed anything in normal routine. Humidity is around 70 (%?). (She has a water bowl for drinking with a bubbler as well)
Sorry for the long post, I am just worried about her!! Any ideas would be great. Also, does anyone know about how old she would be? (BTW, the third & fourth pic are the most recent)