Female question


New Member
I have a female veiled cham that’s about 3 months old, I have read to reduce feeding and basking temperatures in females to reduce clutch size/egg production in general. At what age should I start doing these things and to what extent? Right now she gets about 12 small feeder crickets and 1 wax worm a day as a treat
Hi. When your female is around 5-6 months old you’ll want to start slowly reducing the number of feeders you give. By the time she is 7 months old, she should be getting 3-4 feeders every other day. By around 10-12 months, you may want to feed her just 3 times a week. You’ll also be needing to keep her basking temps in the low 80’s...80-82 is perfect. This is a great article that helps explain it a bit. http://raisingkittytheveiledchameleon.blogspot.com/2007/12/keeping-female-veiled.html
To prevent any issues, your husbandry needs to be spot on. Proper supplement regimen and correct UVB is more important than ever for females.
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