Hi, My chameleon hasn't eaten in a month, she is a panther nosey be. I definitely have the correct set up now after speaking to a good breeder in a reptile shop who has helped. They told me I got her from a bad breeder and quite a few has died from them. She is 8/9 months and when I got her she was 5 months but very tiny for 8/9 months compared to their 5 month old chameleons in the good reptile shop she is smaller than them.
After several visits to specialist vets she has thin bones (mild MBD according to vet) but she is now on the mend her eyes are practically normal again after being sunken in and swollen and she is actually moving around now and falling a lot less.
I used to give her water through a syringe with calcium and D3 and critical care formula (not mixed the two together) and she used to drink it happily and am making bug juice to give to her as she is incredibly skinny its getting worse as she is now refuses to open her mouth, I cannot get her mouth open to give food. She has only had a few drops of bug juice an water in the past few days she desperately needs it, she has a lot of energy considering she has not eaten for at least a month now! It seems the better she gets the more stubborn she gets in letting me feed her. She wont catch any bugs in enclosure.
How do I open her mouth without hurting her?
how may drops/amount to give her a day and how many times a day without over feeding her?
Plus how long can they go without food?
She is definitely on the mend it is just this one eating problem I need to over come!
Thank you
After several visits to specialist vets she has thin bones (mild MBD according to vet) but she is now on the mend her eyes are practically normal again after being sunken in and swollen and she is actually moving around now and falling a lot less.
I used to give her water through a syringe with calcium and D3 and critical care formula (not mixed the two together) and she used to drink it happily and am making bug juice to give to her as she is incredibly skinny its getting worse as she is now refuses to open her mouth, I cannot get her mouth open to give food. She has only had a few drops of bug juice an water in the past few days she desperately needs it, she has a lot of energy considering she has not eaten for at least a month now! It seems the better she gets the more stubborn she gets in letting me feed her. She wont catch any bugs in enclosure.
How do I open her mouth without hurting her?
how may drops/amount to give her a day and how many times a day without over feeding her?
Plus how long can they go without food?
She is definitely on the mend it is just this one eating problem I need to over come!
Thank you