

Established Member
How often should I give my female veiled cham a superworm? I'm also going to purchase silkworms and repitworms tomorrow, how often with those?
I would put them all into regular rotation with the crickets, with superworms being offered once a week. You can gutload superworms with the same items as crickets, as well.
If you keep with the idea that variety is the best thing for your cham, then feeding different items is never really a problem. All three feeders you listed are great, but should be fed alongside other items...such as dubia or crickets, imo. I never like making any one item the staple in my chams' diet. The reptiworms, A.K.A., phoenix worms are good, but I like to view them more as a treat. Not because of their nutritional value, but just because I hate keeping them. lol. Plus, they are so small that it takes a large amount to fill your cham. I also tend to stay away from Phoenix worms because they tend pupate into their adult soldier fly form very quickly.
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