Farewell, Sammy


New Member
Last night I lost Samuel L, my relatively new Jackson's chameleon. It was rather sudden and I'm not sure what happened, although he may have already been an old chameleon when I purchased him.

He had a heat lamp and a UVB lamp, which were on timers. I fed him mealworms, crickets, and dubia roaches. He was misted often, and I know this isn't popular on here but I got him a drip fountain and he absolutely loved that thing. I would turn it on a few times each evening to let him drink away his fill, then turn it back off and each week I would take it apart and clean it and put in fresh water. His poo was mostly black and white with a hint of yellow, so that seemed fine. No signs of any stress at all until Monday when he seemed a little lethargic and was not interested in eating. I didn't pay much attention as there had been other days where he would show no interest in eating, and then a day or two later he would eat away. Yesterday he still seemed lethargic, but then during the night he went downhill quickly.

I purchased him at the beginning of October from a local pet store who told me someone gave him to the store, so they did not know how old he was. They just knew he was very calm and never showed any aggression or discomfort when handled, so he was very popular with the employees at the store, as their other chameleons tended to have a little attitude. I loved his personality and I always wanted a male Jackson's so even though there was a chance he was old, I got him anyway. I'll miss ya, Sammy!
Sorry for your loss.
A necropsy might give you an idea of why he passed.
I would wonder about the dripper fountain.
Sorry for your loss. I remember when you first got Sammy! Such a great name. He'll live on in our memories.
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