Eye problem Brevicaudatus (One eye closed, other is fine)


Anyone who can help me with tips how to take care of her eye?

Vet is already notified, but I can only make it there in 3-4 days... She has this eye problem for about 2 days now. Today I tried flushing with physiological fluid (which was almost impossible to do with her tiny eyes... so I don't think it helped) and I got VitA-POS ointment from the pharmacy. I'll probably keep using the ointment until I can make it to the vet, but I think the flushing will stress her out too much.

Her other eye is perfectly fine. She is still active, eating well and I can't see any other symptoms.

(2016-01-24) Oogje Jip (1).jpg

(2016-01-24) Oogje Jip (2).jpg

If she doesn't close her other eye thin I would guess she just has something in it. are you sure she won't let you mist her even with warm water? Hopefully the vet can get it all figured out. Good Luck:)
My panther had something similar, so it may be some debris stuck in it. Have you checked to see if any kind of nasty looking goop is coming out of it? If there isn't, then just up the humidty of their cage and try to mist heavily with warm water. Also showers tend to help. Put them in the tub but angle the water away from them and let all the mist hit them. I found that by doing this for a couple weeks my cham's eye made an almost full recovery, although it still looks a bit deflated, but he can still open it.
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