Enclosure feedback


New Member

The pictures are of my enclosure. I would appreciate feedback.

I'm using a mistking system that runs every 4hrs for 1 minute. The humidity is right around 70%

Basking temp is 85 and bottom of enclosure is around 70.



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I like what you've done with the layout so far. I would like to see more horizontal vines or branches in the middle zone. It could use some more plants in the upper level. I'm guessing you are going to get the plants you have to grow and fill in. In the meantime you could use a hanging plant or even plastic and remove it when you get more coverage. Nice furniture conversion.
What kind of chameleon? Very nice set up, I can tell you put a lot of work into it and I appreciate the natural look. You need many more horizontal branches through the middle and a nice large plant in the middle and/or some hanging from the top down to fill out the cage.
What species is this for? That's important for us to know RE: your humidity/basking temp. Looks really beautiful, but I would definitely add several more horizontal branches/vines/walkways that go from the left side of the enclosure all the way to the right (just to give your cham more area to move around on). I would also up your misting to 2 minutes instead of 1.
I would also move the bromeliad up closer to the light. They need their roots to dry out or they will quickly get overwater and die. They also need a lot of the light. In their natural habitat they tend to grow on branches and sides of trees/cliffs.
I like what you've done with the layout so far. I would like to see more horizontal vines or branches in the middle zone. It could use some more plants in the upper level. I'm guessing you are going to get the plants you have to grow and fill in. In the meantime you could use a hanging plant or even plastic and remove it when you get more coverage. Nice furniture conversion.
I've got three different types of vines that I'm planning on having grow in to cover that area. I have a few small orchids that I can put in the upper area otherwise I'm not sure what I should put for cover. I don't think I have a secure enough place to put a hanging plant.
Thank you for your feedback!
What kind of chameleon? Very nice set up, I can tell you put a lot of work into it and I appreciate the natural look. You need many more horizontal branches through the middle and a nice large plant in the middle and/or some hanging from the top down to fill out the cage.
I have a 3 month old male panther chameleon. I have a few more vines that I mad and branches that I can put in there so I'll start adding those. Hopefully over time the vines will grow in to cover up top.

Thank you for your feedback! Everyone on here is extremely knowledgeable, as a beginner I appreciate all of the advice!
What species is this for? That's important for us to know RE: your humidity/basking temp. Looks really beautiful, but I would definitely add several more horizontal branches/vines/walkways that go from the left side of the enclosure all the way to the right (just to give your cham more area to move around on). I would also up your misting to 2 minutes instead of 1.
I have a 3 month old male panther chameleon. I have a few more vines that I mad and branches that I can put in there so I'll start adding those. Hopefully over time the vines will grow in to cover up top.

Do you think the basking and ambient temperatures are okay for a panther chameleon of his age?

As for the misting, will 2 minutes be enough for the panther species?

Thank you so much!
I think chameleons in general benefit more from one long misting session than a bunch of short ones. My Panthers get anywhere from 5 min to 25min(depending on day of the week) as soon as lights go on. Then I have 2-3 more misting sessions ranging from 1 minute to 3 minutes depending on the time of year(gets so dry in the winter so I mist more, while the summers are so humid I cut it down a lot). I would get a canopy of plants under the lights to help filter it and give it a natural feel for the chameleon.
I think chameleons in general benefit more from one long misting session than a bunch of short ones. My Panthers get anywhere from 5 min to 25min(depending on day of the week) as soon as lights go on. Then I have 2-3 more misting sessions ranging from 1 minute to 3 minutes depending on the time of year(gets so dry in the winter so I mist more, while the summers are so humid I cut it down a lot). I would get a canopy of plants under the lights to help filter it and give it a natural feel for the chameleon.
I think I'm going to try to mimic your misting schedule and see how it works. I feel bad for the guy with the mist happening so often.
Do you have a recommendation for types of plants that give a good canopy but can be placed on branches or need little substrate?
I love the idea of giving old furniture new life. I wish I had more creative skills when it comes to flipping old furniture.

My husband and I actually designed and built the enclosure from scratch. We have a basement that is still decorated with 70s carpet, curtains, and a tiki bar so we wanted to stick with that theme. After we couldn't find anything we liked we decided to build our own.
Some bromeliads close to the top do best without soil, but need water to fill their cups. Maybe have some branches close to the top with mounted bromeliads. You could also string pothos and/or wandering jew across the top screen, both of which are extremely hardy and not very picky at all about soil.
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