eating consistent?


New Member
I've only had my panther chameleon for 4 days so I'm not familiar with his eating patterns yet. But the first and second day I had him he had a very healthy appettite. I cup fed him about 12-15 crickets (small ones.. 1/4 size, I think) those days. Yesterday he only ate 2 crickets. Today he just stares at the crickets (and I'm getting ready to leave for work). I'm a little reluctant to just leave crickets in his enclosure becaue I enjoy cup feeding him and think that it's the best way to familiarize him to me.
So, are inconsistent eating behavior normal?
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
He may have to warm up a bit before he eats. Can you leave the cup in his viv while you are at work? He will probably take a week or two to settle in and establish a good eating pattern.
Yeah. That's what I ended up doing. As much as I want him to get used to me cup feeding him....I don't want him to starve. Thanks!
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