Drainage Help


New Member
Hey guys so I'm setting up my new 2x2x4 Reptibreeze tomorrow and need some help on a drainage system. I've included a picture of what my current setup is to help you get an idea of what I'm working with. I thought about drilling a hole in the cupboard thing it will sit on as there is an opening underneath where those games are but I don't own a drill and to go buy one for a one time use, I don't have the money for that or just money in general lol. And The cage is already going to be sitting really high so I don't want to raise it much higher if that is possible. Open to all suggestions.

Thanks in advance :D

oh sorry. didnt read the whole thing.

umm. if you were closer i would offer my drill. sometimes you can find them pretty cheap at places like walmart or big lots or pawnshops.
those tubs do work perfect but keep in mind to use in a smaller cage you will need to modify it which means you will have to cut it to size....it will take some work to do....you can also use kitty litters as tubs as those come in smaller sizes...
Be VERY careful using that tank.Were the door opens and close on the hinge side your chameleons tall can get cut off. I have the small version and learned the hard way by killing my milk snake and felt AWFULE. Zoomed was great about making it right and I still love there products. I made a block on my chameleons cage so it cant happen to her. I also use a kitty litter pan under my cage aswell.
if that is the exo-terra tank that i think it is, it has a glass bottom that you will not easyily be able to drill through, even if you get the right drill bit you run the risk of cracking the whole bottom. however you could smash out the bottom and replace it with a wood one, but being as you do not have a drill i doubt you have the necessary tools. sorry i have not been much of a help.
i do have the same tank and whenever excess water builds i just soak it up with a towel.

i just built new cages to solve this and other problems.
if that is the exo-terra tank that i think it is, it has a glass bottom that you will not easyily be able to drill through, even if you get the right drill bit you run the risk of cracking the whole bottom. however you could smash out the bottom and replace it with a wood one, but being as you do not have a drill i doubt you have the necessary tools. sorry i have not been much of a help.
i do have the same tank and whenever excess water builds i just soak it up with a towel.

i just built new cages to solve this and other problems.
As I said, this is what I am using right now and I am setting up a reptibreeze tomorrow, the bottom is PVC and I don't own a drill.. I was just wondering if there was other options.. the cupboard thing it is on won't be easy to make a hole through without a drill..

Thanks for the comments though :)
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