Does my pygmy look gravid???


New Member
Hi guys. I got a pair of pygmy (Peanut abd Butter) last Thursday. These are my first pygmy so I can't tell if she is gravid. She looks pretty fat, round to me. They both eat and drink well but the female doesnt eat as much as the male. I saw there are couple times that Peanut (the male) attempting to crawl to her back but she keep swinging her body left and right until Peanut gave up :confused: . She gets really mad whe he does that.

Anyway.. I just need some comment on if she looks gravid?

Thank you very much


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Thanks Ferdy for your link. I did saw your post last week whe I was searching for information regarding on gravid pygmy. Try it with the light techniqe but didnt see anything :confused:. May be I will try it again with later today.
It can be difficult to see through them with a spot light. Maybe you could try it with a strong LED flashlight? It's been a while since I did it myself. I'll give it a try tomorrow and see if I can give you some more useful advice.
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