My cham wont open his eyes, he is about a year old, i just got him like 5 fays ago, i had him on a fish tank. I was plannin on moving him today, all i do is spray water on him, what can i do?
I tried to put some water on him when he opens his mouth but he made this expression like if he wanted to throw it up, then i waited a little and he opened his mouth and forced his body
the orange urate definitely means dehydration. the runny poop is a sign of parasites but could just be from being dehydrated. i would do what kinyonga said and try dripping water on your chams nose. he may not be trying to throw up he may be gaping! he could have a upper respiratory infection if he was kept in a tank with to much humidity. i would get him out of the fish tank and into a mesh cage. then fill out the help form so we can see what you have been doing for care. hope your cham makes it!