Do You Remember The First Time You Got Bit?


Established Member
A true chammer gets bit from time to time.
What were you doing and how did you feel the first time you got bit?

Well.. So far, so good with my female senegal.. Her name is Patchouli.. I hope I never get bit. She's a sweetie :D
my faly bit my knuckle... when i was putting his hemepene back in!


no blood, didnt really hurt, just left some imprints from his teeth.
I too am one of the lucky few, Gizzy gets in a panic is she catches your finger and feeding time. She seems to think "shouting" is her weapon as she only ever opens her mouth at us. :D:)
I have had 3 Veileds and now I have my juvi Jackson. I have never been bitten by any of mine. They have all been pretty chilled out and very people friendly. Even my male, who was passed through 4 other owners before I got him and yet still he never tried to bite. The most mine have ever done is hiss at me, but I think that's quite cute! :D
I just tried to get my male veiled out....He is sooo aggressive! He was striking at me trying to bite me, tail whipping and hissing! I can't even get him out of his cage these days :(
YA!!! it was 2 days ago, my GF has this little devil of a veiled chameleon "gordon" and i mean it, he is the devil. hisses louder than a cat, lunges, snaps at you.
well i have been trying to handle him a little more to see if he will calm a bit, he was in a tree having some freetime and when i went to get him out he lunged like 6inches and bit my finger. no blood just some broken skin.
i then proceeded to remove him from the tree and the lil bugger was on my hand with a death grip that did draw blood lol, and while on my hand was still trying to bite me lol.
he has such attitude and thinks he can take on the world. i acctually like seeing it. he seems so full of life and strong.
Btw does anyone have any tips on how i can get him out?? just so i can give him a proper check over....I'm such a wimp i don't wanna get bitten haha
My female panther Peachy bit me in the nose when she was little rofl. It didn't hurt. She is much calmer now thankfully. Before my female veiled Jasmine passed away, I was trying to take her picture with my phone and she bit my phone lol. She was so nasty and I'll always have the bite marks on my phone to remember her by haha.
For chams, the first bite i got was installing a new drip tube that was a different color, haha pissed my male off for some reason and he went black and started biting at it, i interfered and got bit.

my female bites all the time so its best to let her be.

My first reptile bite was my savannah monitor, just handling her she got me good.
My little veiled has never even hissed! Guess I also am one of the elites.. ;). Though he's 4 months old... HAha so I guess we'll see. I try my best to preserve his docile attitude. But time will tell
YA!!! it was 2 days ago, my GF has this little devil of a veiled chameleon "gordon" and i mean it, he is the devil. hisses louder than a cat, lunges, snaps at you.
well i have been trying to handle him a little more to see if he will calm a bit, he was in a tree having some freetime and when i went to get him out he lunged like 6inches and bit my finger. no blood just some broken skin.
i then proceeded to remove him from the tree and the lil bugger was on my hand with a death grip that did draw blood lol, and while on my hand was still trying to bite me lol.
he has such attitude and thinks he can take on the world. i acctually like seeing it. he seems so full of life and strong.

Wow you must have the male version of my little female veil Isis. She's exactly the same!
my female veiled bit me when I brought her home from the pet store. I got her out of the box fine and was waiting to put her in her cage when she calmed down and I moved and she landed one on my thumb. didn't hurt but it scared me so bad. she has bitten since but she is so gentle, they don't hurt or break skin but she does like to do it to keep us on our toes.
haha. funny story..
i had just started free ranging my old veiled and had the amobiles across the room. when i got home from my friends one night he had climbed down and went on top of their cages. when i got there, the lights were out and they were all sleeping. i wanted to move im off their cage and back on to his free range. i figured if hes sleeping, i can just grab him really quik and take him over and set him down, but ohhhhh was i wrong. right when i grabbed him he woke up, started hissing and reared his head ALMOST PARALLEL to his body!:eek: then he chomped down and took a good chunk of flesh off . And that is the one and only time i have been bit. *knock on wood*
I have never been truly bit, but my panther was climbing my bedpost the other day, and he couldn't get a good grip and started to slide down. I put my hand under him to catch him in case he fell, and it must have scared him, because he opened his mouth like he wanted to hiss. He kept sliding down with his mouth open until my finger was stuck in his jaws. He didn't bite down, in fact I'm pretty sure he just wanted it out of his mouth. It was gross.
First time was many yrs ago by my first cham a male veiled. He left a nice v shaped impression with his teeth and a little torn skin, no big deal. But I have a wc faly presently named "the Professor". That guys gotten me twice already in the yr Ive had him. Last time he left a bloody v shaped mark on my middle finger. I swear he only bites though if Im not wearing a glove. If i have a glove on he's pretty easy to handle. No Glove and hes a snapping fool. lol:eek: But I like the feisty ones, they make some of the best breeders most of the time.
I havent been bitten yet, but my new ambanja seems to hate my guts and im pretty sure he might want to lay one into me but he is still settling in so i keep giving him his space for now, and my little male veiled is starting to get quite the attitude so we will just have to see what his intentions are, lol, hes only like 4 months old so ill keep handling him till i know for sure!!:D
First time I was bitten was with my first veiled. I believe I was 9 or 10 at the time.
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