Do Super Worms Bite?

Yes they do... I had one give my Cham a Black Eye once... She shot at the tail end intead of the head... The super started doing the "propeller" spinning around looking for a place to bite... and found her eye lid and freaked her out. She dropped the thing... but it left a nice black bruise right above her eye that took like 4 days to heal.
I got a BIG bag of 10,000 of the little boogers
before I fed them out I always crushed their heads
with a pair of feeding tongs. (just to be safe)
I usually hold their heads.. I think the cricket bites hurt worse!!
Yes they bite. I have gotten bitten several times. I try to hold it close to the head and have been either cup feed my chams or let the worm crawl on the screen.
i let them crawl all over my hands, and man handle them and they still try to bite me. maybe its just my very calloused hands, but they dont seem to bite too hard. my cham just cuts them in half when he eats them. although my veiled cham is probably bigger and stronger than a female panther.
I've never had a superworm or cricket bite me. I just grab 'em with my fingers and plop them in the feedercup or just hold them for the chams to snag. I must be lucky lucky!
ive been bit. my previous cham bartleby was bitten also and seemed to stray away from them after that for a few months...but yeah i agree with sandra...dont let them get the opportunity to!!!:D
I have never had one bite me but I know they can as they have amazing grip. They climb up the screen enclosure and even when zapped by my chams put up a good fight.
Just got supers for my female veiled.... Completely unaware they bit till I picked the first one up... Lesson learned!
This is the reason why I stay away from super worms.... I have also had a big hornworm grab hold of my Veiled. :eek: I tried the "cutting off the mouth parts" and I swear I heard it cry.:( I felt like crap so no more hornworms for me either. I'll stick to silkworms, phoenix worms, and butters..
Man never had one bite me ever? Thats crazy now every time i go to grab one im going to be thinking about this thread! So is there a certain way you guys are holding them that may encourage biting? When i feed them off I just grab them with my thumb and index finger quickly then quickly place them on my open palms. I have never been bit like this. has anyone been bitten while holding them in your open palm?
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