Do Panther Chameleons Bask With Mouth Open ?


New Member
As Title Says, Do Panther Chameleons Known To Bask With Mouth Open ? Basking Spot Is At 85 And Bottom His Tank Is 70 And The Humidity Is At 70% After Misting At Top Of The Tank. 5 ft By 2ft Enclosure.


No noises at all, yeah i have 2 thermometers 1 at top and 1 at bottom and humidity unit beside the top thermometer. thats the readings i'm getting but he always goes to top of the tank under basking bulb to bask, he does have the option of cooling down at bottom of the tank.


In my personal opinion.. Those do not work very well. I had them when i first started and had a hard time getting proper temp readings. I then went and bought two digital ones from home depot and put them in the exact same spot as the exo terra. The exo terra was reading 95 while the other two were both reading 82. I personally would suggest getting a digital one.

Also, like mentioned above.. has he been weezing at all or "blowing bubbles"?
il take that onboard and buy digital. as for the wheezing and bubbles non of this seems to be happening. hes feeding very well.
what is the wattage of your basking bulb?

50 watt exo terra sun glo, enclosure is 5ft tall. im going replace the thermometers with digital ones this week he seems fine, but when hes basking. its like he wants to do it rather than needing to open his mouth, i am new to chameleon stuff. i do apprieciate all advice


Don't they gape if they are too warm? To thermoregulate. Temps might be off :/

Anything that cannot sweat in order to cool body temperatures will pant.

Birds of prey, Reptiles, Dogs, All of these are perfect examples of animals whom will pant to cool themselves. most of which will also do this when nervous.
thanks guys kept an eye on the humidity at night when i close my bedroom window, the enclosure creeps up to 80% possibly why he was panting? lesson learnt. temp in enclosure will be amped if rooms warm.. silly me. thanks all x
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