Desensitizing my Cham

Thanks Blue and King!!!:):):)

But shhhhh don't say to much, the secret cham society will say it will stress and kill the chams!
I do think some people get a little ridiculous with all the "stress" talk. Most of our chams are CB, so humans are all they know. I know things are different in the wild, but they haven't been in the wild, so they don't know any different. This morning when we woke up my Cham was sitting on his vine with his face pressed up against the screen. My boyfriend opened the cage and he climbed right on his hand. He knows that every morning he gets to go on his free range, so he waits for us to come open his cage. Everybody has their own opinions as to how chams should live, but I don't see anything wrong with handling them. Especially if they are given the option to climb on your hand or walk away and they choose your hand :)
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