Dennis Update (Vet Report and Pics!!)


New Member
On the advice of a couple of the members of this wonderful website i took Dennis along to the vets for a burnt horn thingy. Have never had to take him to the vet before, but I have a wonderful one who treats my parrots who specialises in exotics and he was really good with him. It seems that whilst Dennis is very tame for me, he turns into a typical cham when anyone else handles him and gave the vet a very nasty bite! He was like a pit bull, latched on and wouldnt let go :eek: Apparently the vet is used to it though, he didnt seem that bothered :eek:

Anyway, its not as bad as i had feared. He does have a burnt horn, BUT its nothing that wont heal up just fine with time, and some cream stuff I have to put on it (Dennis hates that!!). It shouldnt have any permenant problems though so, disaster averted, thank god!!

That has certainly taught me a lesson though - no lights in the viv, even with a cage thing around them!! :rolleyes:

But anyway, here is the handsome man :D

(Light is now completely removed lol)





I am glad the vet visit went well and Dennis is going to be fine. Vet visits are rarely fun but sure are worth it for our chams, good job.
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