dam chameleon/great lake hornworms...


Established Member
has any one ordred from them...i need some horn worms but mulberry farms is out...:eek::eek::eek:...gotta get some for my cham...i think hes tired of superworms and crickets ...or i think hes too busy trying to get out of his cage and go up in free range and doesnt eat he drinks water like normal and is extremely active ...well never mind he does eat just not as much as usual...and when i open his cage to feed him he is more concentrated on getting out of his cage then eating...any one have this problem???:confused::confused::confused:...thanks...oh yeah hes pooping like normal too...so hes eating something...:confused::confused::confused:...
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yes Great Lakes is a good company to deal with. Also try Coastal Silkworms. They carry horns too. They have a location in FLA and CA.
Don't bother with coastal silk west. She has only had worms one week in more than 3 months.
Great Lakes is pretty much your only chance these days. They do a great job, but remember to ask for more food than they supply, I always run out of food and have to way overfeed so i don't waste them. And I'm feeding four!
It has definitely become a problem for those of us that don't grow our own.

It will be the only single reason I opt out of chams, too hard finding food these days, which is very sad :(
Cool thanks...how bout my cham being to busy trying to get out of his cage than eat???any one have this problem???
Also try Linda's gone buggy I just got great hornworms from them also yes all my chams always want out of their cage when I get close
Cool thanks...how bout my cham being to busy trying to get out of his cage than eat???any one have this problem???

I have that problem with my male chameleon. Sometimes he sits by the opening of the door and tries to rush out when I feed him, and he never goes to the cup that I put his food in. He just sits and waits until I open the door again. I have his cup near his basking spot so he can relax and eat at the same time. But sometimes days he just doesn't eat because he is more worried about trying to get out. I used to worry because I thought he was skinnier than my female, but when I seen pictures of other peoples chams, he looks like he is just as big as theirs. So I don't worry so much.
Get him a tree or large plant and allow him out of the cage when you are around to watch. Feed him while he's out. If you have a safe area where you can set up a free range for him he'd love it. :)

I get my hornworms from Livingstonlizards right here in California. Joshua is very nice and dependable.
Get him a tree or large plant and allow him out of the cage when you are around to watch. Feed him while he's out. If you have a safe area where you can set up a free range for him he'd love it. :)

Yeah...he does have a free range to climb out on...that's why he keeps trying to get out...lol...
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