Crickets!@!@! :)


New Member
My Yoshi, 4 Month Veiled Male Chameleon, Is eatikng average about 6-9 Crickets per day (Average size) My Questions are...

When My Cham is fullgrown, How many crickets, approximately will he eat?
How long will it take for yoshi to be fullgrown..?

:) Thanks for all your help...
When he is an adult his appetite will change. My adult male veiled eats 5 - 3/4" crickets every other day or 3 full sized supers. I mix up his diet. He won't eat veggies and I haven't done roaches, but I tried one once. However, they cost me 50 cents at the pet store and I decided no matter hoe much he liked them he wasn't going to get them.
Right at this time you can probably offer more crickets to your veiled. Once it becomes full grown at roughly a year maybe a little more then you want to cut back the amount of food you offer. It is better to have a thinner chameleon than one that is obese. I offer food every other day to my adults. This way they are more excited to eat and also they maintain a good stature if you will. I would offer ten to fifteen 1/4 inch to 3/8 inch crickets at this time. Hope that helps you out.
My male veiled would eat 10 to 15 med. crickets (or feeders) a day until about 10 months old. Then he kind of lost his appetite and my vet told me to start feeding him the same amount every other day. Now at 21 months old he eats about 6 to 8 feeders every other day. He grew until about 18 months old. I have lots of picturs of him in My Profile (Luie album) at all stages of his life if you'd like to take a look at them. Jann
Thanks alot that really helped... Any idea when he will reach his fullgrown Length? :p

It's safe to say that your chameleon will not be dramatically increase in size after he reach a year old.
However, technically, he will never stop growing till the day they die.
Hey man haven't you heard? It's all about roaches, who's doing crickets these days? That's what i'm asking. Where did you come from, the past?

Seriously, but 100 Dubia roaches and you'll never post a thread like this again. Instead, you'll PM me and thank me for the good advice.
with all due respect, even though i somewhat agree on the benefit of substituting crix with dubia, I would not disregard crix all together.
Every once in a while, your cham will have a craving for cricket.
Keeping a healthy cham means the more feeders the better. Crickets really aren't that bad, you just have to stay on top of keeping their container clean. I haven't tried roaches yet, my sister would flip-out, but when I move to Phoenix in March you can be sure I'm picking up 100 adult dubias to start breeding.
My guy doesn't care for dubia much and he loves crickets. If something as small as buying him crickets will keep him happy then I will continue to do it. Of course I add a variety of other feeders too. Now my female......she'll eat anything.
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