crickets WHHYYYYY escapee help :(

I line my cricket containers with a strip of packing tape around the top. It makes the surface too slick for the crickets to grasp and climb.
I find crickets everywhere. One time at least 300 escaped from a sweater falling in the bin and giving them a way out.
I actually like the chirping
Now this is crazy but I have escapees too. Strange thing is I walked over to my dogs aluminum dog bowl and there were 5 crickets in it! Alive could not get out. Tethered was some dog food residue in it but they were attracted to it !
Ive been using the large cricket keeper for a year or so now and I havent had any escapees.

I take a tube out, dump it into a large cup where I dust them, then right into the cage.. No escapees. Maybe they are coming from a different place.
stop them ascaping

I gule gunned j-cloth to the lid as the vents are too big ans little crickets can get out.
Have you tryed sticky paper/tape with food in the middle so they walk and get stuck lke the fly traps xx
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