Crested Geckos.?

Cresties are awesome. Geckos in general are great. In terms of handling, it just depends on the gecko. A lot of us have cresties, so feel free to ask any questions.
I love them! I started out with one...and two days later got my second. I now have 10....two breeding pairs, one rescue 'pet' only adult female (MBD-curved spine from being fed baby food), an adult male, and four juvies-three are holdbacks from last year's clutches. They are adorable, and can be handled. Some of mine are more jumpy than others and don't want to be messed with much, but once you handle them for a bit, they calm down some. Care is relatively easy as well.
I have two! My first was very tame when I got him from a private breeder, my second followed a few months later and I got her from a pet store chain. She wasn't tame and would bite and pounce on anything that moved, including my fingers! She has now settled down and she sits and waits by her viv door most nights to be let out! They al have different personalities though. My male is very laid back - he even slept inside my dressing gown the other evening! My female is the 'nutty' one! She is so fast and quite hyper when you first get her out! She is also a lot 'stickier' than my male too.
20 gallon high minimum

no lights or heating required as long as your house does not go below the mid 60's. They eat crested gecko diet and you can feed them roaches or crickets if you want. You can also give them baby food as a treat. They are jumpy geckos I dont handle mine that much because every time he is out he leaps so far away from me lol.
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