Compact 5.0 light question


New Member
I wanted to know the reason why the lights were bad and stuff and i came across this in this guys page on another forum

In March this year, I tested two ExoTerra ReptiGlo 10.0 26W coils and these two are completely different to the version I tested in 2008.
The 2009 lamps even have a different shaped base (more like a cylinder than the cup-shape they had before) so they are probably made by a different company. The UVB output is much lower overall - making it one of the weaker 10.0 compact lamps available - but it still has a higher proportion of its output in the shorter wavelengths, so the spectrum is not what I consider optimal, although there is almost nothing below 290nm in this latest version.
Because of the very low output, these lamps are in my opinion extremely unlikely to cause eye problems if used at sensible distances (eg. 10 - 12 inches).
Here are some sample readings, all measured from the side of a bare lamp held vertically in a fixture with no reflector or dome, and no screen, at 12 inches distance:
Brand new lamp (30mins): 14 µW/cm² and UV Index 0.9
Lamp after 105 hrs (approx 10 days use): 13 µW/cm² and UV Index 0.7
Lamp after 750 hrs (approx 2.5 months use): 11 µW/cm² and UV Index 0.6
I have two of these on longterm testing right now and they will reach 1,000 hours (3 months) soon, so I hope to complete a proper report then.

Does this mean the same for the exoterra repti glow 5.0? what do you guys think heres his full report about the 5.0 compact issue just something to read for those that didnt or dont know. the page goes to here
This is a very good article but if you notice it doesn't mention anything about the effect on chameleons. There have been people on here that had the compact and were having problems with their chameleons eyes and when they took out that and replaced it with 5.0 reptisun tube their animlas responded much better. You just try and go with what works from experience of other keepers who have had success. Not saying either that there are people out there who have used the coil and maybe have no problems either.
I've used reptiglo compact 5.0s before with no I'll effects. Others on here have as well. Just saying.

In fact, some only use reptiglo 5.0 compacts.
There seems to be a lot of confusion and mis-information regarding the different UVB lamps.

It is a lengthy read as there is a lot of information, but all the info you need for an informed decision can be found here;

It is well worth the time sifting through all the info.

BTW, the eye issue from the older UVB CFL's was not limited to chameleons.
Fool...if you are going to quote something you should give the source.

Some of the compact/spiral and even some of the long linear tube lights have been causing eye/health issues with chameleons (as you will see if you read the site steelheadchaser gave you. For some of the lights, the UV was not in the right range in some of the lights so it caused problems. The problem is that we don't really know if all of them were corrected or the bulbs already on the shelves were pulled. Since there have been no bad reports on the Repti-sun 5.0 long linear fluorescent tube light that we know of...we have all been recommending it.
Fools source is the link at the bottom of his post, from what I gather.
Fool...if you are going to quote something you should give the source.

I did give the source the individual gave a report on the forums of the link I provided and he linked his own site on his post from the other forums so yes I did link my sourse you should read more carefully next time.
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