Cleaner bugs for Pygmy terrariums


New Member
bought some isopods and springtails several weeks ago for my terrarium. I still see poop amongst the leaves. Could my pygies be eating them? I give them plenty of food.
Give them some time.
Those spring tail cultures take a little while to get established but soon there will be 1,000's!
Isopods mostly take care of decaying flora.

I have recently introduced beneficial nematodes and am waiting for them to get established. Hopefully they will obliterate the fungus gnat larvae.

I think you need to be patient. I don't think the cleaner's are all that fast.:) I give it a while in my terrariums and all is well. Let me know how it goes.
The terrarium looks healthy other than the one ivy which looks like it isn't going to make it. I look forward to my first eggs which I may not even see. I have decided I am not going to dig around in my habitat looking for eggs and stressing my tiny friends. Babies will have to hatch and emerge on their own. I can then separate them into a different container.
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